Monday, April 13, 2015

Curing the Mate Gourd Step-By-Step


STEP # 1

Fill the mate-gourd with a used and wet brew. Ideally, this is taken from a mate in use, if you have one, and, better yet, preferably bitter.

STEP # 2

Pour a shot of hot water and let it rest for one whole day.

STEP # 3

Remove the yerba.

STEP # 4

Rinse the calabash with warm water.

STEP # 5

Scrape the inner walls with a proper tool to take off the skin, which is soft by now, and almost loose by the maceration effect.

STEP # 6

Fill it with a new brew, then add boiling water and let it rest until the following day. With plenty of water, rinse again, and the operation is repeated from the beginning.
Now, you are ready to go. Drink mate four or five times a day for breakfast, midmorning, after lunch, after supper, and late in the evening. If going out on a trip, get yourself a ThermoBottle with hot water and carry the mate with you. If driving, train your copilot to serve or "cebar" mate while you enjoy the driving. In Argentina, most of us carry MATE EQUIPMENT in our car when traveling that consists of:
  • A stove furnace like a " Coleman" or similar
  • A stainless steel or aluminum kettle
  • A Thermo bottle
  • A package of Yerba Mate of your preference
  • A gourd or two (just in case)
  • A bombilla or two (just in case)
  • A bottle with plenty of fresh water to heat
  • A pot of sugar (if you like sweet mate - I don't - bitter is healthier!)
  • Matches
America has wonderful and beautiful rest areas on its highways all across the nation. Stop on a large trip, heat some water, and either drink some mates there or keep going—this will shorten the trip like you can not imagine!

Now, after this humble advice, enjoy, be healthy, and be happy.

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